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Blitz for Success | Karen Cupp Coaching

Are you steaming ahead through the end of the year with your 2019 goal just a dream at this point? Are you responding to your anxiety meter by saying, “I will begin planning 2019 when it arrives?”

Stop and take a breath. What if you had a strategy that helped you chart your 2019 course? Here are three steps to help you relieve that anxiety and create an empowering action plan.

Brian Buffini, world renowned Real Estate Coach, calls on entrepreneurs to make a dedicated game plan that he calls the Blitz. His mantra is finish strong by creating a strong vision in the fourth quarter through daily action steps.

Would you like to like to learn three steps to set your 2019 action plan in motion early?

Take a moment to reflect on the decisions and accomplishments you made during the 2018. Moments of gratitude come naturally during this quarter of the year. Think about who played a part in your success this year. Make a plan to bring them together in some way to thank them for being part of your success. Gratitude is a powerful attribute of true leaders.

1. Be intentional by setting aside a day (away from your company) as your own personal retreat. Invite two other people that you know, like and trust, asking them to set aside this time to assist you. To achieve favorable results, make sure you set aside adequate time to collaborate and plan. Most planning days should be at least 6 hours (with a break included). Choose a place free of interruptions and conducive to open communication. Establish a concise outline of key points you will cover. Celebrate by reflecting on the success and learning experiences of your last year.

2. Begin with the end in mind by dreaming about what you want 2019 to look like. Take time to dream….. like you did when you first began your business. What would a successful year look like to you? Would it be adding more properties to your portfolio or would it be adjusting your strategy to diversify? All of these are dreams at first but as many have discovered, what we focus on is the direction we head.

3. Determine commitments that are important such as family vacations and training and conferences you would like to attend. As an entrepreneur we need to set aside time to recharge. Leaving these to chance almost guarantees they either won’t happen, or you will book late and pay increased charges.

Above all, celebrate the year you are about to complete! As an entrepreneur you have been courageous in leading your family and your company. This company is your dream, so dream big….you deserve it!